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A mesh-free method boundary condition technique in open channel flow simulation

Author(s): Lei Fu; Yee-Chung Jin

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Keywords: Mesh-free method; MPS; open channel model; particle method; velocity profile

Abstract: The mesh-free particle method has been successfully used in simulation of various types of flow. Small particle distance is typically used for representing the form of the simulation domain, requiring a large amount of computing time, accordingly, and, thus, seriously affecting the efficiency of the mesh-free method. In order to optimize the efficiency and accuracy of the mesh-free method in simulating open channel flow, a new approach based on the assigning velocity to ghost particles next to the solid boundary is developed. This ghost particle velocity correction also considers the bed roughness, the flow depth and the particle distance all together so that larger particle distance can be used in open channel flow simulations with the mesh-free method, requiring less simulation time, while the correct velocity distribution over depth is still maintained. Experimental cases are used to compare the numerical results to show the advantages of using this improved method.


Year: 2013

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