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Efficiency analysis to reflection of a new quay wall type

Author(s): Francisco A. Taveira Pinto; Paulo J. Rosa Santos; Fernando F.M. Veloso Gomes; Hugo Guedes Lopes

Linked Author(s): Francisco Taveira Pinto, Paulo Santos, Fernando Veloso Gomes, hglopes

Keywords: Harbour tranquillity; laboratory test; NOREF block; perforated quay wall; wave dissipation; wave reflection

Abstract: The effective dissipation of residual wave energy inside a harbour basin is desirable to improve its tranquillity conditions and the efficiency of port operations. The construction of gentle slopes is frequently unfeasible due to space limitations and physical constraints. Hence, other solutions such as quay walls with a perforated (dissipative) berthing face are used. This research analyses the efficiency to reflection of an innovative type of structure consisting of the superposition of unreinforced concrete blocks, with an original geometry. Physical model tests were conducted at a scale of 1/30 for irregular long-crested waves normal to the quay wall, and the results indicated that reflection can be reduced, particularly for small peak wave periods and large wave heights and water levels. This type of structure was adopted in Portuguese ports, namely in the new multipurpose terminal of the Port of Leixões.


Year: 2011

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