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Interaction of vertical round turbulent buoyant jets—Part II: Superposition method

Author(s): Panayotis C. Yannopoulos; George C. Noutsopoulos

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Keywords: Multiple jets; multiple plumes; multi-port diffuser; ocean outfall; integral model; mean dilution; near-field behaviour; laboratory simulation; wastewater disposal

Abstract: Based on the superposition of pertinent fluxes of single jets or plumes, a model to predict the mean axial velocities and mean concentrations of the combined field due to merging is developed. The model equations are produced by the integral equations of momentum, tracer and kinetic energy for the mean flow, which are derived for any single jet or plume or the entire set assuming that turbulence contributes equally to the rate of kinetic energy flux for either a single or interacting plume. Superposition solutions are developed for sets of any number of jets or plumes and are applied to equally spaced identical jets or plumes in a row, assuming Gaussian profiles for mean axial velocities and mean concentrations of single fields. Predictions obtained by this method are compared to analytical and experimental findings described in Part I. The spatial mean dilution is determined using the integral continuity equation. Present results are discussed and compared with other reported works. The evolution of the flow and mixing fields is explained in detail, while the practical usage of the methods discussed in this paper and Part I, either for sea outfall design or laboratory simulation studies, is illustrated.


Year: 2006

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