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An evaluation of directional analysis techniques for multidirectional, partially reflected waves Part 1: numerical investigations

Author(s): Suzana Ilic; Andrew Chadwick; Jacob Helm-Petersen

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Abstract: Recent studies of advanced directional analysis techniques have mainly centred on incident wave fields. In the study of coastal structures, however, partially reflective wave fields are commonly present.In the near structure field, phase locked methods can be successfully applied. In the far field, non-phased locked methods are more appropriate. In this paper, the accuracy of two non-phased locked methods of directional analysis, the maximum likelihood method (MLM) and the Bayesian directional method (BDM) have been quantitatively evaluated using numerical simulations for the case of multidirectional waves with partial reflections. It is shown that the results are influenced by the ratio of distance from the reflector (L) to the length of the time series (S) used in the spectral analysis. Both methods are found to be capable of determining the incident and reflective wave fields when LIS > 0.5.The BDM provides, in most cases, more accurate estimates of incident significant wave height, average reflection coefficients and directional spreading.


Year: 2000

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