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River Regime With Special Reference To River Nile

Author(s): M. B. Khalil

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Abstract: Regime theory concept of independent adjustment of slope, depth, and bed width was found irrelevent when applied to River Nile. Slope, depth, and width of the river are intercorrelated and are mutually adjusted to attain regime conditions. Two relations were expressed to describe the geometry of River Nile channel, namely silt equation and flow equation. The silt equation relates the discharge, depth, slope, in non-dimensional form to the silt concentration. The flow equation expresses the mean velocity as a function of depth, slope, and the median grain size of the bed. The factor of proportionality of the flow equation, a numerical constant, confirms that of Swiss rivers, and is probably a universal constant. In the absence of a theoretical approach to regime of channels in alluvium, the Nile flow- and siltequations, based on actual observations, seem to provide a suitable tool for rational calculations of today problems such as; resettling of the reach of the Main Nile disturbed by the construction of Aswan High dam, and in designing of Jonglei canal.


Year: 1975

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