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Hydraulic Simulation of Tidal Flood Handling of Pabean Drainage System in Pekalongan, Indonesia

Author(s): Henny Pratiwi Adi; Wahyudi S. I. ; Jonathan Lekkerkerk

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Keywords: Tidal Flood; Polder System; Pabean; Simulation; Hydraulics; Storage; Pump

Abstract: Tidal floods occur in Pekalongan, Indonesia. The length of tidal flood affected reaches more than 15 km coastal length, and upstream up to 4 km length. To handle tidal flood in Pekalongan, some efforts have been made by making a polder system, which is building of 9 km long beach embankment, making long storage and several pump houses. One area is in the center of Pekalongan called as the Pabean drainage system. In this system, the government has built 2.4 km sea dike. This study aims to calculate the flood discharge plan, flood hydrograph per hour, volume of retention basin and pump capacity required. Primary data was collected in the form of elevation and flooding. While secondary data included rainfall data, maps and existing drainage systems. The first analysis carried out was to determine the catchment area and water reservoir. Then the hydrology was analyzed with the Nakayatsu Hydrograph Formula, and hydraulics simulation with the EPA-SWMM application. The research results showed that maximum flood discharge plan was 23 m3/s. Retention basins are long storage (2,315 m length, 10 m wide and 2.5 m depth), existing ponds, rivers and drainage networks. The pump simulation is prepared with a capacity of 2 x 2 m3/s, the water flow reaches normal after 15 hours. In the future water reservoirs in the Pabean area must be preserved, in addition it is proposed to change the form of housing to a floating house, which does not cause a reduction in the volume of retention basin.


Year: 2020

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