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Basic Study on Drainage Method from a Retarding Basin to the Uji River

Author(s): Yoshiya Ogawa; Masanori Sera; Shota Michikata; Tomoki Yamamoto; Akitsugu Kajitani; Yuko Ishida

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Keywords: Ogura-Ike Reclaimed Land; Ogura-Ike retarding basin; Drainage method; Simulation; Nays2DFlood of iRIC

Abstract: In September 1953, Typhoon No. 13 caused extensive flood damage to the Ogura-Ike Reclaimed Land after the collapse of a levee on the left bank of the Uji River in the Yodo River basin. Since then, floods have not occurred in this area, but in recent years, various parts of Japan have experienced flooding owing to unprecedented heavy rains. The risk of flooding in the Uji River owing to such abnormal weather is also quite high. The Ogura-Ike Reclaimed Land targeted in this study was converted from a pond to field land in 1941. The current elevation of this area is not considerably different from when it was reclaimed; as such, this area represents the lowest point in the wider Yamashiro Basin. In this study, the use of the Ogura -Ike Reclaimed Land as a retarding basin to reduce the water level in the Uji River was investigated through simulations. It was shown that a water level rise in the Uji River and the flooded time in the basin both depend on the time at which drainage is initiated from the retarding basin into the Uji River downstream. The results of this study can serve as a reference for further investigations into the flood control effect of using the Ogura-Ike Reclaimed Land as a retarding basin on the Uji River, as well as the impact on the fields within the basin.


Year: 2020

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