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Effect of Difference in Shape of Stepped Fishway on Flow Structure

Author(s): Takayuki Tanaka; Keigo Aoki

Linked Author(s): Takayuki Tanaka

Keywords: Stepped fishway; Turbulent structure; PIV

Abstract: There are various structures such as the step type and the ice harbor type in the fishway, and the flow situation changes greatly depending on the structure, and it has a great influence on the habitat of fish. In this study, we focus on stepped fishways existing in the middle and downstream of real rivers, and examine how the difference in the structure of the fishway affects the turbulent structure. For the experiment, two different types of staircase fishway models are made and installed in an indoor open channel. Regarding the measurement of the flow velocity, the point measurement of the flow velocity by the type I electromagnetic anemometer and the simultaneous measurement of the flow velocity by the PIV method were performed. As a result, it was confirmed that a complicated flow occurred in the fishway with a structure of a submerged hole, and that the place where the fish going up rested was not clearly given. In addition, it was clarified that the turbulence characteristics changed greatly depending on the presence or absence of notches and holes, and the effect on fish run-up was great.


Year: 2020

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