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Comparation of Pollutant Charges Issued by Industrial Groups to Valencia Lake Basin Between the Years 2009 and 2011, Venezuela

Author(s): A. Márquez; M. Mura; Olgui Figueira; E. Guevara

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Keywords: Pollution; Industries; Water; Lake Valencia

Abstract: Currently the lake of Valencia has problems of eutrophication which causes difficulty for self-purification, this is due to the large anthropogenic activity develops within its basin, therefore it is necessary to compare the loads pollutants emitted by different industrial groups Valencia lake basin. This data was compiled between 2009 and 2011 industrial group dedicated to the following areas, food and beverage production, paper production and related industries, vehicle assemblers and parts and production chemicals and related products. There are significant differences between the group of the paper industry and other groups in terms of Chemical Oxygen Demand, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Nitrogen and Phosphorus. There are significant differences between the chemical group and the rest of the groups in terms of chlorides and sulfates. The industrial group of auto parts and vehicle assembly exceeds the concentration of phosphorus. The paper industry group exceeds the limits of Article 36 of Decree 3219 for biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, nitrogen, phosphorus and total suspended solids. The Chemical Industry group and the food and beverage production group not exceed the limits set out in Article 36 of Decree 3219 for the parameters under study.


Year: 2015

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