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Variations of Basin Erosion and Sediment Transport in the Yangtze River

Author(s): Wang Yangui; Liu Xi

Linked Author(s): Yangui Wang

Keywords: The Yangtze River; Basin erosion; Sediment transport; Variation characteristics; Sediment transport modulus(STM); Incoming sediment coefficient(ISC)

Abstract: In order to study the characteristics of basin erosion and sediment transport in Yangtze River, sediment transport modulus (STM) and incoming sediment coefficient (ISC) in the trunk stream and main tributaries of Yangtze River were investigated in this paper with the cumulative curve analysis method and the Mann-Kendall test method. The STM and ISC in tributaries depend on water loss and soil erosion, human activities and river condition. The STM and ISC values in the Jialing River and the Hanjiang River are larger, which means water and soil erosion is serious and sediment transport intensity is greater. The STM and ISC in the stem stream depend on the incoming water and sediment condition and channel characteristics of tributaries, and their values are among the upper tributaries and reduce gradually from the upstream to the downstream. The STM and ISC values in the Jinsha River are the greatest, which shows soil erosion is serious and sediment transport intensity is great. The STM and ISC values in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River are smaller, which means soil erosion is lighter and sediment transport intensity is lower. Due to comprehensive effects of human activities in the Yangtze River basin, the STM and ISC reduce with time, of which the ISC decay exponentially.


Year: 2015

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