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High Resolution Rainfall-Runoff Simulation in Urban Area: Assessment of Telemac-2D and Fullswof-2D

Author(s): Qiang Ma; Morgan Abily; Ngoc Duong Vo; Philippe Gourbesville

Linked Author(s): Philippe Gourbesville

Keywords: Urban area; High resolution rainfall-runoff modelling; Telemac-2D; Full SWOF-2D; Li DAR data

Abstract: Under extreme rainfall events, the complexity of urban environment makes difficult to estimate the flooding processes. To overcome this issue, practitioners are widely using high resolution data with numerical codes solving the 2D-Shallow Water Equations (SWEs) .However, due to inherent limitations in the numerical simulations, the outcome of different mesh structures and numerical schemes may generate differences between the model results. This paper focuses on the possibilities, performance and limits of using standard numerical modelling approaches for high resolution rainfall-runoff process in the urban area. An extreme rainfall scenario in the city centre of NICE, France, is simulated with two different numerical codes (Telemac-2D and Full SWOF-2D) using Li DAR dataset. These 2D SWEs based codes rely on different meshing strategies (non-structured and structured) and different numerical schemes (Finite Element and Finite Volume) .For high resolution modelling, the differences between the water depths simulated by these two models were compared and discussed to find the major causes and to evaluate the impact of modelling strategies on model quality. The emphasis is to optimize the balance including the strategy for Li DAR data inclusion, the computation time, the stability and the accuracy of the high resolution rainfall-runoff models in the urban flood simulation.


Year: 2015

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