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Ice Research in Norway from an Engineering Perspective

Author(s): Sveinung Løset

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Abstract: The current paper gives a historical review of research on ice in Norway from an engineering perspective, both covering ice in rivers and lakes, as well as ice in the ocean. Pioneering work is mentioned for both categories. For river and lake ice formation Dr. Olaf Devik was a pioneer developing instrumentation that could measure supercooling of water in rivers and lakes. He was followed by Dr. Edvigs Kanavin and others. This part of the paper is followed by studies of atmospheric icing and sea spray icing. The rest of the paper has a focus on research related to ice in the ocean, both sea ice and glacial ice. Pioneering work on sea ice was done by meteorologist Torgny Vinje at the Norwegian Polar Institute. In the 1980ies the oil and gas industry active on the Norwegian Continental started to pay attention to the Barents Sea. The information for engineering purposes related to design and operation of offshore structures in these icy waters was quite limited. Thus several companies realized that a proper design database on ice in the ocean for these waters should be established. The first well documented sea ice and iceberg study in the Barents Sea became the multi-sensor ice data acquisition programme ICEBASE. This programme was led by Dr. Sveinung Løset and later followed by the programme IDAP. This first wave of studies was followed by more dedicated surveys after the millennium of which the centre for research-based innovation SAMCoT (Sustainable Arctic Marine and Coastal Technology) hosted by NTNU was the major one.


Year: 2020

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