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Usage of Short Sea Outfall for Small Scale Wastewater Discharges in Sri Lanka

Author(s): D. P. L. Ranasinghe; S. Tennakoon; R. Senthuran; K. Raveenthiran

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Keywords: Sea outfall; Initial dilution; Single port; Small discharges; Wastewater

Abstract: If the waste/wastewater generated or collected in a large scale, the environmental standards need to be followed while disposing them. However, there is no proper control for small scale waste dumping. Even though the discharge is small, it adversely affects on the environment sustainability while wastewater discharge is continuing for many years. This paper presents the applicability of short sea outfall for a small scale wastewater discharge at two locations (A Hotel in Bentota with 40.5 m 3 /day and the hospital in Tangalle with 90 m 3 /day) in southern coast of Sri Lanka. The designs were carried out by assuming that the treated effluent meets the Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) regulations for discharging into marine coastal water. In order to assess the suitable location/length and design of sea outfall, the environmental conditions of bathymetry, tides, waves and currents (water circulation) have been considered. The initial dilution was calculated for different depths in order to find out the suitable depth by considering the BOD and the Faecal Coliform constituent as critical parameters. As the discharges at both locations were small, single port discharges were sufficient to meet the required initial dilution.


Year: 2016

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