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Multipurpose Reservoir Operating Policy Using Type-2 Fuzzy Logic

Author(s): D. G. Regulwar; R. U. Kamodkar

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Keywords: Reservoir operation; Fuzzy interference system; Type-1 fuzzy; Type-2 fuzzy; Releases

Abstract: A real world reservoir operation can be very complex as it contains the uncertainty and ambiguity in various parameters involved in it. Uncertainty may occur in hydrologic inputs, physical process, demands along with in parameters which cannot be estimated with hundred percent confidence, which includes the objectives, variable range and future demands. To model this uncertainty, the fuzzy logic is efficiently used in the reservoir operation modelling. Fuzzy Interference System (FIS) is a popular computing framework based on a concept of fuzzy set theory which is called type-1 fuzzy sets. However, in type-1 fuzzy sets, the uncertainty is limited to linguistic variable while in case of type-2fuzzy sets the uncertainty is not only considered in linguistic variable but also presented with the definition of the membership function. In the present study, a type-2 fuzzy rule based model is developed to derive the reservoir operating rules for a multipurpose reservoir. The case study of the Jayakwadi reservoir stage-I, Maharashtra state, India illustrates the methodology. The type-2 fuzzy rule based model operates on an‘if-then’principle, where‘if’is a vector of fuzzy explanatory variables or premises and‘then’of fuzzy consequences. The inflows, reservoir storage level, and demands are taken as the premises, however the releases for irrigation and the releases for the hydropower generation are the consequences. The obtained results are compared with the optimal operating policy obtained from the fuzzy linear programming (FLP) reservoir operation model. The operating policy obtained by using type-2 FIS shows that it can be efficiently used in modeling the reservoir operation by considering the uncertainty in the membership functions which is more near to the real world reservoir operation.


Year: 2016

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