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Journal of Hydraulic Research 2015 Issue 4

ID Title Authors Year
4329 Alexandre Preissmann: his scheme and his career
Jean A. Cunge; Willi H. Hager
4330 Edge gradients evaluation for 2D hybrid finite volume method model
Yaoxin Zhang; Yafei Jia; Tingting Zhu
4331 Validation of single- and two-equation models for transient mixed flows: a laboratory test case
Francesca Aureli; Susanna Dazzi; Andrea Maranzoni; Paolo Mignosa
4332 Experimental investigation of the hydraulic loads on the runner of a Kaplan turbine model and the corresponding prototype
Kaveh Amiri; Michel J. Cervantes; Berhanu Mulu
4333 Experimental method for the evaluation of the dynamic transfer matrix using pressure transducers
Keita Yamamoto; Andres Müller; Takuya Ashida; Koichi Yonezawa; François Avellan; Yoshinobu Tsujimoto
4334 Effect of soil composition on piping erosion of earthen levees
Mohamed Elkholy; Yusuf A. Sharif; M. Hanif Chaudhry; Jasim Imran
4335 A study of flow dynamics and implications for benthic fauna in a meander bend of a lowland river
Alexander N. Sukhodolov; Martin Blettler; Jingxin Zhang; Tatiana Sukhodolova; Gunnar Nützmann
4336 Overtopping of harbour breakwaters: a comparison of semi-empirical equations, neural networks, and physical model tests
Ángeles M. Rodríguez Gil; José F. Sánchez González; Ramón Gutiérrez Serret; Vicente Negro Valdecantos
4337 Hydraulic scale modelling and thermodynamics of mass oscillations in closed surge tanks
Kaspar Vereide; Leif Lia; Torbjørn K. Nielsen
4338 Numerical analysis of a shrouded micro-hydrokinetic turbine unit
Jacob Riglin; W. Chris Schleicher; Alparslan Oztekin

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