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Proceedings of the 22nd IAHR APD Congress (Sapporo, 2020)

Dear Readers,

It is our pleasure to present you with the proceedings of the 22nd Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research-Asia Pacific Division (IAHR-APD) organized by Hokkaido University during September 14 to 17, 2020.

IAHR-APD originally was set to take place in Sapporo, Japan but due to the global outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the local organizing committee decided to turn the conference into a virtual conference setting. We are really sorry that we could not have the usual meeting but we worked hard to make this virtual conference as fruitful and enjoyable as always. The Congress brought up the theme “Creating resilience to water-related challenges”. This phrase was adopted as the main theme of the Congress to maintain awareness of climate change and water-related disasters induced by extreme weather. As every year, the Congress has encouraged meaningful interactions among researchers, industries, and communities, on the dissemination of water-related research achievements and ideas that paves the way for sustainable water and environment-related development.

The local organizing committee would like to express our great appreciation to all the staff of the IAHR and IAHR-APD for their endless and excellent support to the congress. We would like to thank all of the sponsors and participants for their valuable contributions to make this Congress successful and meaningful. We are very grateful to the reviewers of the papers and the editors of the proceedings for all the efforts for providing high-quality and timely review, despite the challenging times of the COVID-19 crisis. Finally, we would like to thank to all the healthcare workers around the world who are working tirelessly to contain this pandemic.

It is our hope that this proceedings will furnish the readers with excellent references and stimulate further studies and researches in the related areas.

Yours sincerely,

Yasuyuki Shimizu
22nd IAHR-APD 2020 Congress Chair

ID Title Authors Year
7576 Diatoms and Dinoflagellates Distribution During Dry Season in Marcrotidal Tanintharyi River Estuary, Myanmar
Lett Wai New; Gubash Azhikodan; Katsuhide Yokoyama; Masashi Kodama; Nay Oo Hlang; Nyo Nyo Tun
7577 Study on Assessment of Flood Disaster Loss in Taihu Lake Basin
Weiwei Shao; Xin Su; Jiahong Liu Zhiyong Yang; Chao Mei; Zhaohui Yang
7578 A Comprehensive Intergrated Management Approach for Water Resources Management
Trinh Minh Ngoc
7579 Study of Adaptation Measures to Climate Change on Urban Area in Bangkok, Thailand
Thidarat Komkong; Sanit Wongsa; Shinichiro Nakamura
7580 Snow Cover Mapping for Sustainable Water Resource Management in the Balkhab River Basin in Afghanistan Using MODIS Sattellite Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) Products
Hussainzada Wahidullah; Han Soo Lee; Vinayak Bhanage
7581 Impact of Decreasing Glacier Cover on Streamflow of the Gilgit River Basin, Karakoram, Pakistan
Sohaib Baig; Takahiro Sayama; Kaoru Takara
7582 Evaluation of Impact of Climate Change and Rural Development on Rainfall-Runoff in a Southeast Asian Watershed by a Distributed Model Incorporated with Tank Models for Several Land Uses
Asari Takada; Kazuaki Hiramatsu; Ngoc Anh Trieu; Masayoshi Harada; Toshinori Tabata
7583 Research of Initial Water Rights Allocation in Long-Distance Water Transfer Project
Ting Wang; Yu Liu
7584 Estimations of Streamflow Characteristics Throughout Japan Using Artificial Neural Network
Ryosuke Arai; Yasushi Toyoda; So Kazama
7585 Exploring the Groundwater Hydrographs of Chou-Shui Chi Alluvial Fan by Linear Signal Model (LSM)
Ouedraogo Abdoul Rachid; Shaohua Marko Hsu; Yu-Wen Chen

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