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Proceedings of the 22nd IAHR APD Congress (Sapporo, 2020)

Dear Readers,

It is our pleasure to present you with the proceedings of the 22nd Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research-Asia Pacific Division (IAHR-APD) organized by Hokkaido University during September 14 to 17, 2020.

IAHR-APD originally was set to take place in Sapporo, Japan but due to the global outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the local organizing committee decided to turn the conference into a virtual conference setting. We are really sorry that we could not have the usual meeting but we worked hard to make this virtual conference as fruitful and enjoyable as always. The Congress brought up the theme “Creating resilience to water-related challenges”. This phrase was adopted as the main theme of the Congress to maintain awareness of climate change and water-related disasters induced by extreme weather. As every year, the Congress has encouraged meaningful interactions among researchers, industries, and communities, on the dissemination of water-related research achievements and ideas that paves the way for sustainable water and environment-related development.

The local organizing committee would like to express our great appreciation to all the staff of the IAHR and IAHR-APD for their endless and excellent support to the congress. We would like to thank all of the sponsors and participants for their valuable contributions to make this Congress successful and meaningful. We are very grateful to the reviewers of the papers and the editors of the proceedings for all the efforts for providing high-quality and timely review, despite the challenging times of the COVID-19 crisis. Finally, we would like to thank to all the healthcare workers around the world who are working tirelessly to contain this pandemic.

It is our hope that this proceedings will furnish the readers with excellent references and stimulate further studies and researches in the related areas.

Yours sincerely,

Yasuyuki Shimizu
22nd IAHR-APD 2020 Congress Chair

ID Title Authors Year
7606 Weather Projections and Dynamical Downscaling for the Republic of Panama: Evaluation of Implementation Methods via Gpgpu Accelaration
Reinhardt Pinzón; Michel Müller; Toshiyuki Nakaegawa; Javier Sánchez-Galán; Manuel Ujaldón; José Fábrega
7607 Flood Hazard Evaluation for Rivers in Toyama Prefecture, Japan
Shouma Ishikawa; Shuichi Kure; Ryuusei Yagi; Bambang Priyambodho
7608 Study on Prediction Model of Crop Evapotranspiration Based on Weather Forecast
Xin Han; Baozhang Zhang; Zheng Wei; He Chen; Yinong Li; Taisheng Du
7609 Impact of Climate Change on Tidal Irrigation Case Study: Terantang Irrigation Unit, Indonesia
Maya Amalia Achyadi; Koichiro Ohgushi; Toshihiro Morita
7610 Climate Change and Adaptive Water Management in Bangpakong River, Thailand
Sanit Wongsa; Sunaaree Sueathung; Taichi Tebakari
7611 Feasibility of Coastal Reservoirs for Fresh-Water Storage in New Zealand
Induka Werellagama; Gregory De Costa; Binil Davis
7612 Breakpoint Reaction of Chlorine Jets in Ammonia Nitrogen and Treated Primary Effluent: Modeling and Experimental Study
S. N. Chan; Q. S. Qiao; J. H. W. Lee
7613 Reducing Energy Consumption in Pressurized Irrigation Networks Using Neural Networks-Soms Clustering Technique
Ahmed M. Abdelrazek; Engy M. Khalil; Farouk A El-Fitiany; Mohammad; A. Abourohiem
7614 Implementation of the ANN Model to a Complicated Drainage System
Nobuaki Kimura Ikuo Yoshinaga; Kenji Sekijima Issaku Azechi; Daichi Baba
7615 Tracing Crop Water Demand in the Lower Ping River Basin, Thailand Using Cloud–Based Irrisat Application
Khin Muyar Kyaw; Arreya Rittima; Yutthana Phankamolsil; Allan Sriratana Tabucanon; Wudhichart Sawangphol; Jidapa Kraisangka; Yutthana Talaluxmana; Varawoot Vudhivanich

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