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Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Water System Operations (Beijing, 2018)

The temporally and spatially uneven distribution of water resources is rather common all over the world. Hydraulic engineering is one of the most important infrastructures to address such problems since it can deal with flood defense, water supply, irrigation, and hydropower etc.

There are a large number of reservoirs all over the world, and China alone has over 98,000 of them. The existence of these reservoirs has greatly changed the natural runoff processes, leading to a lot of difficulties in optimal reservoir operation. In addition, inter-basin water diversion project, although ecologically controversial, is an important measure to alleviate the water crisis. Up to now, more than 350 water diversion projects have been built in at least 40 countries and regions around the world. Many hydro-solar-wind multi-energy systems along the reservoirs and inter-basin water diversion systems are planned and constructed.

It is now clear that, compared with the earlier generation of water projects, new and/or additional sources of water are becoming scarce, more expensive to develop, require more expertise and technological know-how for planning, design, implementation and operation, and often could result in more social and environmental disruptions. Not surprisingly, there is an increasing realization that scientific understanding of water systems operations is essential and necessary for efficiently and effectively manage the existing water projects, which help for future human welfare.

The goal of this symposium is to bring together researchers of academia and practitioners to share latest scientific advancements, emerging technologies, and directions in issues relevant to water system operations. This conference will provide opportunities to present novel research results and networking for future activities.

This event coincides with many other events in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the host institute, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR). In this respect, we are liaising with many other international association such as ICOLD, ICID-CIID, others. Participants of this symposium will enjoy discounted or free access to the 60th anniversary technical events.

For more details, please visit the website of this symposium.

ID Title Authors Year
20390 Response of Land Use Changes on Ecological Water Diversion in Midstream of the Heihe River Basin
Longqiang Su
20391 Study on Optimal Operation of Hydropower Station Group Based on New Electricity Reform and Deviation Assessment
Yanmei Zhu; Shijun Chen; Weibin Huang; Diya Xie; Wang Li; Guangwen Ma
20392 Optimization of Drainage Schemes for the Dike Strengthening by Warping Construction Project in the Qinhe River Under Restricted Drainage Condition
Hao-Ming Yang; Min Zhang; Cheng-Hui Dong
20393 Risk Analysis and Emergency Countermeasures for Oil Pollution in Main Channel of South to North Water Transfer Project
Jie Zhu; Xiaohui Lei; Hezheng Zheng; Jiankui Liang; Jin Quan
20394 Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics Numerical of Wind-Driven Circulations in Danjiangkou Reservoir
Jie Zhu; Jin Quan; Xiaohui Lei; Xia Yue; Yang Duan
20395 Comparative Analysis on the Applicability of Evaluation Method for Water Resources Carrying Capacity
Jing Qin; Zhi-wang Wu; Jie Feng; Wen-long Niu
20396 Change and Cause Analysis of Water Resources in Fengtai District of Beijing in Recent 61A (From 1956 to 2016)
Jing Qin; Wen-long Niu; Wei Lu; Ling-yun Zhao; Wen-lian Gao
20397 Diagnose Urban Drainage Network Problem Based on Internet of Things and Big Data
Xiaobo Miao; Mou Lv; Fengchao Liang; Chunjiao Jiao; Luohua Wang
20398 Technology Research of Sewage Pipe Network on Initial Rain Water Receiving Capacity
Fengchao Liang; Mou Lv; Xiaobo Miao; Jie Song
20399 Automatic Feedback Control Algorithm for Canal for a Quick Upstream Water Supply Interruption in the Case of an Emergency
Lingzhong Kong; Xiaohui Lei; Qian Yang; Hezhen zheng; Hao Wang

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