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Proceedings of the 24th IAHR International Symposium on Ice (Vladivostok 2018)

This collection accommodates the articles of the Proceedings of the 24th IAHR International Symposium on Ice, which was held in Vladivostok, Russia during June 4–9, 2018.

The symposium was a great history. It was held in countries Iceland, Finland, USA, Sweden, Canada, Germany, Japan, Norway, China, Poland, New Zealand, and Singapore. In 2018, the host of the symposium is Far Eastern Federal University, School of Engineering, Russia.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Committee on Ice Research and Engineering for helping with the preparation of the data and files that were used to build this collection.

ID Title Authors Year
26924 Concept of the Specific Energy of the Mechanical Destruction of Ice Versus the Ice Pressure-Area Relationship: Review and Discussion
Ekaterina Kim; Vladimir G. Tsuprik
26925 Ice Regime of the HPP Tailrace When Winter Water Flow Passes the Spillway
N. S. Bakanovichus; Lyalina; I. N. Shatalina
26926 Scale Effects in Compressive Strength of Sea Ice
Aleksey Marchenko; E. Karulin; M. Karulina; A. Sakharov; P. Chistyakov; D. Sodhi; A. Sliusarenko
26927 Influence of the Water Temperature on Thermodynamic Consolidation of Ice Rubble
Aleksey Marchenko
26928 Ice Regime of the HPP Tailrace When Winter Water Flow Passes the Spillway
N. S. Bakanovichus; Lyalina; I. N. Shatalina
26929 In Situ Observation of Modelled Ice Drift Characteristics in the Bohai Sea, China
Yu Yan; Wei Gu; Ning Li
26930 Anomalies of Bohai Sea Ice Cover and Potential Climate Driving Factors
Yu Yan; Wei Gu; Ning Li
26931 Predicting Ice Thickness for Engineering Applications
Robert Frederking
26932 He Northernmost Airport Runway. How and Why Should We Perform Laser Scanning?
Nataliya A. Marchenko
26933 Sea Ice Observation and Comparison with Ice Maps During a Cruise in the Western Barents Sea in April 2017
Nataliya A. Marchenko

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