A Diverse Approach to Hydraulic and Environmental Research - 1st IAHR Online Forum

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IAHR is an international organisation with members from different professional cultures and regions from all over the world, each with a very individual career and professional background. We are all united by our interest and enthusiasm for the topic of water. This professional diversity is a great treasure, holds high potential and we would like to present this value to the community in this session.

The session looks at hydraulic and environmental research from different points of view. The topics range from flood control, to pipe hydraulics, to ecological hydraulic engineering and economic impacts - a highly interdisciplinary session, highly enjoyable and challenging. 

In order to value the diverse composition of IAHR, this session particularly focuses on our women members and their views. In addition to the professional challenges, the session explores whether there are specific approaches, particular achievements or even a feminine way to manage situations. The session brings together five top women scientists to discuss their visions and missions in their specific areas of interest.

A Diverse Approach to Hydraulic and Environmental Research - Vision and Mission of Women Scientists

12:30 UTC/GMT

Introduction Playback Video

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