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Longshore Transport at Shingle Beaches

Author(s): Felice D'Alessandro; Giuseppe Roberto Tomasicchio

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Keywords: Longshore transport; General model; Shingle beaches; Laboratory dat

Abstract: In the present paper a longshore transport (LT) model valid for any material diameter is presented. The model is based on a modified stability number, N s **, resembling the traditional stability number taking into account the effects of a non-Rayleighian wave height distribution at shallow water, wave steepness, wave obliquity, and nominal diameter of the units. In this work the proposed model is applied and verified for the LT estimation at shingle beaches. The suitability of the model is assessed by means of the comparison between the LT predictions and measurements from a single laboratory data set. The use of the proposed transport model presents a main advantage respect to the most popular formulae in literature: it can represent an engineering tool suitable for a large range of conditions, from sandy beaches till reshaping breakwaters.


Year: 2014

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