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Numerical Modelling of Wind Waves on a River Flood Plain

Author(s): Antoine Joly; Elodie Gagnaire-Renou; Michel Benoit; Damien Violeau

Linked Author(s): Damien Violeau

Keywords: Wind waves; River flood; Numerical model; Spectral waves

Abstract: The protection of urban areas against river flood is a crucial issue. Generally speaking, the flooding is caused by high water levels and currents associated with extreme values of the river discharge, resulting in breaches on protecting levees. However, in some cases, another process may cause flooding: wave overtopping over levees in case of a strong wind blowing over the flood plain. The purpose of the present study is to model the wind wave growth and propagation over a river flood plain, using the third-generation spectral wave model Tomawac.


Year: 2014

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