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Canal Water Distribution Using Genetic Algorithm

Author(s): Weiwei Yao; Xiaoyi Ma

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Use of water for agricultural production in less developed arid and semi-arid regions requires innovative research and an appropriate transfer of technologies. Maximizing the efficiency of canals requires guidelines and criteria for system design and operation. It is argued that optimization using a genetic algorithm (GA) provides a reasonable arrangement of canal water allocation times and discharges. This can ensure a reduction of water transportation losses. A study was undertaken in the North Plain Branch canal, having 24 minor canals and a command area of approximately 1800 ha. Water management, as practiced at field as well as at watercourse level, was studied. The study suggested that revised water delivery schedules could increase water productivity, reduce water leakage and farmers could reduce the costs of irrigation water.


Year: 2012

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