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A Field Experiment to Remove the Forcing Element from a Riffle-Pool

Author(s): Bruce Macvicar; Andre Roy

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Keywords: Turbulence; Non-uniform flow; Riffle-pool; Forced pool; Velocity-reversal hypothesis

Abstract: The mechanics that lead to pool formation and maintenance in gravel-bed rivers is an area of ongoing debate. A number of mechanisms have been identified that may play a role, including reversal of near-bed velocities, lateral flow convergence, and the generation of vortices as a result of fluid shear. This article follows from MacVicar [2006], where an intense flow measurement program was carried out in a forced riffle-pool at a range of flood stages including the bankfull flow. In that study we used mean flow and turbulence intensity profiles to document the occurrence of non-uniform flow in the pool. Specifically we found deceleration in the pool-head and acceleration in the pool tail. This was important for the near-bed hydraulic environment because sediments in the pool tail were subject to low mean velocities but high turbulent fluctuations, whereas the near-bed hydraulic environment in the pool-tail was characterized by very fast mean velocities. In the current study we wished to examine the effect of removing the forcing element from the pool with the objective of working towards a general model of riffle-pool hydrodynamics. The tree that forced the pool location was therefore cut and removed. The evolution of pool topography was then followed using repeated surveys and the hydrodynamics were measured during a moderate flood event. Flow measurements show that there are many similarities between flow dynamics before and after the removal of the tree. Similarities include the occurrence of flow convergence and divergence in the pool-head and pool-tail, respectively, as well as the perturbation to mean velocity and turbulence intensity profiles that is characteristic of flow deceleration and acceleration. These results are especially relevant to the debate on the mechanics of pool maintenance because, while subsequent flood events resulted in the significant alteration of the shape of the pool, they did not change the overall dimensions of the pool. This suggests that the forcing element is not necessary for pool maintenance. A hydrodynamic model of riffle-pools based on the perturbation of the lateral and vertical distribution of flow parameters may thus be a general model that is sufficient to account for pool maintenance in both free and forced pools.


Year: 2007

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