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A Reliability Based Approach to Define the Margin of Safety

Author(s): Samuela Franceschini; Christina W. Tsai

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Keywords: Margin of Safety; TMDLs; Uncertainty analysis; Risk Analysis; Point Estimate Method; Modified Rosenblueth Method; Surface Water Quality; Niagara River

Abstract: In the calculation of the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), the Margin of Safety (MOS) is an attempt to account for the uncertainties related to the conceptual representation of the system and the random nature of the processes under study. In general, the MOS is often the result of arbitrary or poorly supported decisions that have little to do with the reliability of the system. To improve the current practice in TMDL calculations, an enhanced reliability-based MOS is proposed here. The Modified Rosenblueth Point Estimate method is proposed in this paper as a valuable means to assessing the uncertainty of a system, and, thus, its probability of failure. The Modified Rosenblueth method is a less computationally demanding uncertainty analysis technique and can be easily coupled with deterministic hydraulic and water quality numerical models. A case study on arsenic concentrations in the Niagara River is discussed in this paper. The results of the uncertainty analysis are used to compute the effective risk of exceeding a selected water quality standard. The MOS is then calculated based on a predefined level of risk or probability of failure assuming that the contaminant concentrations are following a lognormal distribution. A reliability-based MOS enhances the current application of the TMDL by providing more reliable estimates and is a step forward in making TMDL calculations more practical and standardized.


Year: 2007

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