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Sustainable Water Management - Harmonizing Hydropower Projects with the Environment, Natural Resources and Society

Author(s): Dalen Kari

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Keywords: hydropower development; Water system interests; Sustainable water management

Abstract: Although most renewable energy technologies are environmentally sound in theory, all of them can have negative impacts on the environment if poorly planned [21]. This is also the fact for hydropower projects. And as energy prices keep rising, the potential for conflicts between investors and the other interests in the water system is likely to increase. A wellfunctioning regulatory framework and good practice guidelines are essential to assure sustainable hydropower projects, and thereby contribute to sustainable water management. Hydropower has got numerable assets, such as a relatively large life cycle, relatively low maintenance costs, possible small impacts on the water systems, and little or no contamination. Yet, there are many interests involved in a hydropower project, and this complicates the optimization of these projects. The interests include the environment (e. g. landscape and visual aspects), the natural resources (e. g. fauna and flora) and the society (social, economical, legal and political aspects). This article aims to give a review of some of the relevant approaches and mitigation measures in the process of harmonizing a hydropower project with the other interests in the water system. It is a challenge to balance the diversity of approaches, there is no formula to develop the perfect project preserving all the interests. Yet


Year: 2007

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