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Comparative Study on Storage Function and Ssarr Models for Flood Forecasting

Author(s): Bum Jun Kim; Min Soo Kyong; Jae Won Kwak; Keon Haeng Lee; Hung Soo Kim

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Keywords: Storage Function model SSARR model; Pattern search; Flood forecasting

Abstract: In Korea, the flood damage is constantly increased even though the structural measures have been constructed for flood defense every year. However, the nonstructural measures could be also considered for the reduction of flood damage and one of them will be the flood forecasting and warning system. The storage function model (SFM) has been mainly used for the flood forecasting in Korea. In addition to the SFM, we use the SSARR model, which had been successfully employed in the Columbia River in USA and the MeKong River in Vietnam. The comparative study of two models is performed by the application to Miho stream basin in Korea. We do the parameter sensitivity analysis and parameter calibration by a pattern search method for the models. Then, the flood hydrographs are forecasted by using the SFM and SSARR model. As the results, we conclude that the SSARR model shows also good results like the SFM in this case study.


Year: 2007

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