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Effect of Two-Phase and Mixed-Flow Perspectives in the Estimation of the Turbulence Intensity for Water in Open Channel Flows with Suspended Sediment

Author(s): Danxun Li; M. Muste; Xingkui Wang

Linked Author(s): Marian Muste

Keywords: Suspended sediment; Turbulence intensity modulation; Two-phase flow; Velocity lag

Abstract: The paper highlights the difference in interpreting turbulence intensity measurements in open-channel flows with suspended sediment using the traditional mixed-flow approach and the two-phase flow perspective (which distinguishes between the flow phases). Analytical considerations show that the velocity lag plays an important role in the quantification of turbulence intensity using the mixed-flow perspective, and as a result, the actual turbulence is overestimated when significant velocity lag occurs. Velocity lag is not, however, the only parameter affecting the turbulence estimation. The number of velocity records in the total sample and the turbulence intensity magnitude for each phase are also contributing to the estimation of the turbulence intensity of the mixture. Experimental evidence is used to demonstrate the interplay between the parameters involved in the analytical derivation, demonstrating differences that might occur in interpreting the same set of data using the two different perspectives.


Year: 2007

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