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A Experimental Study on Shear Stress Variation by Scour Progress

Author(s): Joon Gu Kang; Hong Koo Yeo; Sung Jung Kim

Linked Author(s): Joon-Gu Kang

Keywords: Local scour; Bed material; Flow velocity ratio; Shear-stress ratio; Time effect * cu *

Abstract: The causes of local scour are generally categorized into flow condition, structure, and riverbed material. A three-dimensional vortex flow generated with the influence of the structure is the main factors of the flow conditions, and the size of the particles is assumed to be the main factor of the riverbed case. Various studies about pier local scour have been carried out by researchers since the 1960s, and a large number of experimental formulas have been suggested. Difficulties were encountered by these past studies, however, in terms of considering the influence of various riverbed materials and scour changes (floods, etc. ) on time, with the condition of maximum scour depth. In the case of Korea, especially, scour influenced by various riverbed materials and the frequency of floods have been determined to be very important factors. Therefore, the ultimate purpose of this study on pier scour is to suggest the scour examination method that could consider various riverbed materials and the frequency of floods. In this study, the periodic changes in local scour based on the differences in the diameters of four types of bed materials, and on the hydraulic condition of the initial scour, were determined and compared with those in former studies. Using the results of the comparison, this study aims to determine the changes in the shear-stress around piers for various bed materials through the effect of time on scour depth (, ), the shear-stress around piers, and the particles' critical shear stress (cτ). maxS S


Year: 2007

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