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A New Estimation Tecnique for Spacial Pattern of Delivery Rate Using GIS

Author(s): Ung-Yong Kim; In-Sung Yeon; Seok-Hwan Yoon

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Keywords: Delivery rate; GIS; Non-point pollutant; Satellite image; Soil loss

Abstract: A trend of delivery rate has been observed in the recent past. A delivery rate have often been error to carry out in water quality management. In predominantly rural watersheds of developed countries, delivery error ratio have been attributed to agricultural intensification with respect to land use change and increased fertilizer usage. This paper presents an approach based on KOMPSAT satellite images and Geographical Information System (GIS) to estimate and handcart error of delivery ratio using land use data for a watershed in Keum river system. The land use data were derived from a variety of sources including maps, aerial photographs and remotely-sensed satellite images A GIS was necessary to store, manipulate and analyze large volumes of land use data, and to carry out land use change analysis. A number of GIS routines were developed to carry out the model computations automatically. Results demonstrated that the model estimates delivery rate with an acceptable degree of accuracy. The export coefficient model operating in GIS has significant potential for the rapid estimation of delivery ratio using land use data derived from KOMPSAT satellite images.


Year: 2005

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