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Research Priorities in River and Sea Ice–Technical Panel Discussion

Author(s): Anne Barker; Steve Daly; Brian Morse; Andrew Palmer; Garry Timco

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Abstract: There are many potential areas of research that remain to be studied regarding river and sea ice. Are there issues that are common between sea ice mechanics and river ice engineering? If so, there could be areas of potential collaboration that are overlooked, as it is only in select venues, such as the IAHR International Ice Symposium, where experts in sea and river ice come together to jointly present research. To begin to address this, a technical panel discussion at the 22nd IAHR International Ice Symposium, and this associated overview paper, are presented. The session and paper bring these two groups together to examine common issues and solutions. Invited experts on sea ice (Palmer, Timco) and river ice (Daly, Morse) have expressed their opinions concerning: what are the key overarching issues in their field; why these issues haven’t been solved; what do we need to know in order to solve them; how do we get that information; and what are the key references in these areas. Investigations into the refreezing of broken ice offer the most opportunity to learn from each other from relevant studies. Other crossapplications include investigations into ice jamming, ice forecasting, ice management, the study of ice loads on structures and ice induced vibrations. There are also opportunities to leverage tools and instrumentation advances in each discipline. Common issues include the need to acquire full-scale data, the transferability of results/techniques from site-to-site, methodology that is not standardized and access to existing data sets. The panel discussion will highlight potential means of going forward to solve them. By examining these issues and considerations together, further insight based upon research in either field may be gained.


Year: 2014

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