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Experimental Studies of Fracture Mechanics for Various Ice Types

Author(s): M. Karulina; A. Marchenko; A. Sakharov; E. Karulin; P. Chistyakov

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The paper contains results of experimental studies of ice fracture mechanics based on loading of the floating ice beams with fixed ends. Both natural and model ice properties were investigated. Full-scale field works were performed on sea ice of Svalbard Archipelago, and the model ice studies of two ice types–fine granule and columnar–were carried out at the Ice Basin of Krylov State Research Centre (KSRC), St. Petersburg. In the experiments, an ice beam was cut in the ice cover both ends of which were kept attached to the surrounding ice sheet. Then a horizontal force perpendicular to the side surface of the beam was applied to the middle section of the beam. For these purposes, both in full-scale ad model conditions the vertical cylindrical indenters were used of 0.15 m and 0.02 m diameters accordingly. The indenters provided the force application through the whole ice thickness. The natural ice thickness varied in a range 0.4–0.6 m, and model ice was of about 0.05 m thickness. The beam width was almost equal to ice thickness while the beam length varied from 2 to 8 ice thicknesses. The visual observations and the force-time records allowed tracing of qualitative pictures of the beams failure process and obtaining of breaking force values in dependence of the ice type and the ice beam geometry. Application of the beam test described in the paper enables to get some idea about relationships of various strength parameters of the ice–crushing, compressive and tensile strength, as well as to compare behaviour of natural and model ice under identical loading conditions.


Year: 2016

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