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Geometry and Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Coastal Ice in a Micro-Tidal Climate in Svalbard, Part II, in-Situ Stresses

Author(s): David Wrangborg; Carl Magnus Vindegg; Aleksey Marchenko; Bard Blaesterdalen; Knut V. Hoyland

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Abstract: The confined land fast sea ice nearby the breakwater Sveasundet in Svea Bay of VanMijenfjorden on Spitsbergen was studied during the winter season 2014. The ice geometry, thermo-mechanical properties and stress pattern (in two locations) were monitored. Water pressure at the bottom was recorded continuously over the winter season to monitor the tidal variations of sea water level. During six field visits ice temperature, salinity, density, thickness and freeboard were measured both on the coastal ice and on the free-floating ice. In total 8pressure cells were used to follow the stress in both the coastal ice and the free-floating ice. The measured stresses and their direction are analyzed in comparison to tide and air temperature. In the coastal ice the stress follows the tidal cycle closely and the highest registered stress was150 kPa which is believed to be related to bending. In the free-floating ice the highest measured stress was 40 kPa which was related to a temperature increase.


Year: 2016

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