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River Water Hardness Trend in Tibet Plateau as an Indicator for Global Climate Change

Author(s): Shen Xianchen

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Abstract: The water hardness trend from 1991 to 1998 in the Lhasa River, a tributary of Yaluzhangbu in Tibet Plateau was studied by Seasonal Kendall test. The result shows that its concentration at the Dazi station is significant increased. The reason is the partial pressure increase of Carbon Dioxide in air. Because the content of calcium ion, which is a major constituent of water hardness, is proportional to CO partial pressure in air. CO is greenhouse gas, which can cause global climate change. So, river water hardness change can be an indicator of global climate change. Certainly the factors caused water hardness increase are not from CO concentration increasing only. Ca and Mg concentration growing in local precipitation and river source glacier as well as wastewater effluence into the river could also be reasons for water hardness increase. These factors have to be separated. All of the above factors were analyzed and they did not change because of rare human being activity in this area of Tibet Plateau.


Year: 2002

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