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Anchor-Ice Rafting of Coarse Sediment: Observations from the Laramie River, Wyoming, USA

Author(s): E. W. Kempema; J. M. Shaha; A. J. Eisinger

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Comparisons of ice rafted and bedload sediment samples collected in the Laramie River, Wyoming show that ice rafting is more efficient than bedload transport at transporting coarse sediment downstream. The average size of ice rafted sediment was4.69 mm; bedload sediment samples collected during peak discharge averaged 0.92 mm in diameter. Although average ice rafted sediment is coarser than average bedload, there is overlap in the sediment sizes transported by these two processes. Ice rafting transports sediment from fine sand to boulders downstream. Anchor ice formation and ice rafting occur in the spring and fall when discharge is low, so the period of coarsest sediment transport does not coincide with peak discharge.


Year: 2002

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