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Size of the Consolidated Part of Hummock

Author(s): N. N. Shatalina

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The measurement of the consolidated part of a hummock in full-scale conditions presents considerable difficulties, and the result of these measurements is subjective. As a rule, a precise outcome fails. In this connection it is expedient to estimate the greatest possible values for the consolidated part of a hummock by a computational method. The value of the consolidated part of a hummock depends on the temperature of the air and the conditions of heat transfer from its underwater part. The freezing of a hummock happens from upper surface and at the depth of the propagation of temperature oscillations, an ice temperature below the temperature of freezing of water is established. Both these of processes indicate the lower boundary of the consolidated part of a hummock. The time of approach of steady conditions inside a hummock of particular sizes in a diameter display actual values of freezing of a hummock. For definition of depth of a freezing of a hummock two tasks are solved simultaneously: the task of heat conduction with phase transitions for semi-infinite area and task of allocation of temperatures in a rod, on which the surface is at the temperature of the air. Thus the temperature resistance of a hummock sail is not taken into account, since in the open channels and slots of a sail convection develops which promotes the establishment of the temperature of the upper end of the consolidated part of a hummock as equal to the temperature of the air.


Year: 2002

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