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Nature-based Solutions and Ecohydraulics

Author(s): Malik Fida A. Khan; Eva Hernández Herrero; Hyoseop Woo; Marjolein van Wijngaarden; Eileen Burke; Ellis Penning; Jochen Hack

Linked Author(s): Hyoseop Woo, Ellis Penning, Jochen Hack


Abstract: Climate change affects communities around the globe and often through water related challenges such as increased flood and drought risks. The related impact on drinking water availability and food production, risk of waterborne diseases, and damage to properties and coastal zones are high and increasing. At the same time, we see an increased call for Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to help solve these challenges. Many demonstration projects have been implemented but upscaling remains difficult. Yet, there is a clear notice, also resulting from the recent COP26, that we need to speed up this implementation. Science can play an important role in providing knowledge to upscale the implementation of NbS, such as results from eco-hydraulic research and innovative monitoring of natural dynamics in water systems.


Year: 2022

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