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Hydraulic Engineering in the Era of Extreme-Scale Computing and Data-Driven Modeling

Author(s): Fotis Sotiropoulos

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Advances in computational algorithms coupled with exponentially growing computing power and data-driven reduced order modeling pave the way for developing a powerful simulation-based engineering science framework for tackling a broad range of hydraulic engineering flows. Multiphysics large-eddy simulations taking into account complex waterway bathymetry, energetic coherent structures, turbulence/sediment interactions and morphodynamics, free-surface effects and flow structure interaction phenomena are now well within reach and are impacting engineering practice. I review such progress and offer specific examples highlighting the enormous potential of simulation-based engineering science to supplement and dramatically augment the insights that can be gained from physical experiments. I discuss computational challenges but also underscore the enormous opportunities to take advantage of advanced algorithms, powerful supercomputers, and data-driven machine learning to tackle societal challenges in restoration of aquatic environments, sustainable mitigation of the impacts of climate change, and development of efficient and environmentally compatible renewable energy systems.


Year: 2022

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