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Behavior of Radioactive Cesium in Watershed of Lake Teganuma and Its Influence on Fish

Author(s): H. Hashida; Y. Nihei

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Keywords: FDNPP; 134Cs; 137Cs; Sediment transport; Lake Teganuma; Fish

Abstract: The present study attempts to understand the behavior of radioactive cesium-134 and-137 in sediment in urban watershed, river and lake and its association to fish contamination. For these purposes, we measured the radioactive cesium in the sediments and fishes in the watershed of Lake Teganuma. The results indicate that the decrease of radioactive cesium concentration in roads was appreciably larger than that in roofs due to the differences of nonradioactive sediment supply. The radioactive cesium in bottom sediments has increased in the downstream reach of the river and the lake. The radioactive contamination of fish were not closely related to that of bottom sediments, showing that the importance of the radioactive contamination of feed environments on the fish contamination.


Year: 2014

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