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Modelling of Multi Phytoplankton Species in the Urayama Reservoir

Author(s): Jungkyu Choi; Hiroshi Yajima

Linked Author(s): Hiroshi Yajima

Keywords: Multi phytoplankton model; ELCOM-CAEDYM; Water temperature parameter; Dominant species

Abstract: Algal blooms and eutrophication in lakes and reservoirs are one of most important environmental problems in Japan. We applied multi phytoplankton model to the Urayama Reservoir based on a three-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model (ELCOM-CAEDYM). We set four phytoplankton groups of cyanobacteria, diatoms, chlorophytes and cryptophytes in the model and compared the results with field data in 2009 and 2010. The simulated water temperature, DO and nutrients (TN and TP) showed good agreement with observed data. The simulated phytoplankton biomass reproduced field data well using different parameters for the same phytoplankton groups between 2009 and 2010. When we applied optimized water temperature parameters in a year to the other year in the simulation, the seasonal biomass and dominant pattern were remarkably changed. This was caused by the different dominant species in a same phytoplankton group. Therefore in order to improve the accuracy of multi species phytoplankton prediction, we must consider algal species and dominant pattern and apply appropriate water temperature parameters for each phytoplankton group.


Year: 2012

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