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Numerical Simulation of 3D Flow in a Channel with a Spur Dike

Author(s): Xun Han; Pengzhi Lin

Linked Author(s): Xun Han, Pengzhi Lin

Keywords: Spur dike; Open channel flow; NEWTANK; Numerical simulation

Abstract: In this paper, a 3D model named NEWTANK which is developed based on Navier-Stokes equation is introduced to describe the motion of incompressible fluid around solid structure. The model adopts the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method to track the free surface motion. The structure is treated by using the porous media method (PMM) which represents the impermeable structure by porous media with a zero-approaching porosity. The k-εmodel is used to simulate turbulence transport and dissipation. The finite difference form and two-step projection method is employed in the process of discretizing the governing equation. In this paper, this model is used to simulate three different cases, namely, the surface-piercing spur dike, the shallowly submerged spur dike and the deeply submerged spur dike. The numerical results of mean velocity and turbulence intensity are compared to the experimental data obtained by PIV in the flume tests. The detailed vortex patterns in different scenarios are analyzed and the potential damage of the spur dike during flood seasons will be discussed accordingly.


Year: 2012

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