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Frequency Analysis of Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Parameters in the Johor Strait, Singapore

Author(s): Manasa Ranjan Behera; P Sundarambal; Cui Chun; P Venugopalan; Pavel Tkalich

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Keywords: Frequency analysis; Fast Fourier Transform; Singapore; Johor Strait; Hydrodynamics; Water quality; Algal bloom

Abstract: Currents, water properties and some water quality parameters of Singapore and Johor Straits are driven by the ocean tides, daily solar cycle and meteorological variables, each having typical distinct periods and patterns. While lunar tidal constituents could be easily identified in the high resolution records due to typical periods, some of solar tidal constituents could be confused with daily cycles driven by solar radiation and associated meteorological conditions having similar period, such as air temperature, tropical rainfall, and breeze. Hence, the association and correlation of the hydrodynamic and water quality parameters to one or more drivers could be investigated and understood using the frequency analysis. FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) analysis is carried out for hydrodynamic parameters (sea level, current magnitude and direction), meteorological parameters (solar radiation and air temperature) and water quality parameters (water temperature, salinity, chlorophyll-a and turbidity) to delineate relative importance of tidal and weather cycles. The effect of hydrodynamic, water quality and meteorological parameters on the algal blooms is also analysed.


Year: 2012

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