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Impact of Rainfall Variability on the Sewerage System of Casablanca City, Morocco

Author(s): L. Ennajem; D. Loudyi

Linked Author(s): Dalila Loudyi

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: Climate change is nowadays a major challenge facing mankind. Yet difficult to assess, the consequences of this phenomenon are multiple, irreversible and exceed the response capacity of ecosystems that may be damaged or permanently destroyed. Morocco has experienced a significant change in precipitation with increasing frequency and intensity of extreme events of drought and flooding type. In this article, the impact of rainfall variability on the Casablanca city sewage network is studied. The city is ranked as one of the most vulnerable coastal areas to floods risks due to rapid changes in urbanization, demography and also the change in the rainfall regime induced by climate change. The combination of these factors has increased the occurrence of floods, causing damage to urban infrastructure and significant economic losses.


Year: 2016

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