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Numerical Simulation of Periodically Forced Convective Currents in Aquatic Canopies

Author(s): M. Tsakiri; P. Prinos

Linked Author(s): Panagiotis Prinos

Keywords: No keywords

Abstract: In the present study, periodically forced convective currents between open water and emergent vegetation are investigated numerically. These currents are produced due to differential heating and cooling between the two regions, during a typical diurnal cycle. The unsteady two-dimensional Volume-Averaged NavierStokes equations and the energy equation are solved. The vegetation effects are taken into account through additional terms based on the porous media theory. The absorption of radiation during the daytime and the heat loss during the night-time are simulated by an additional source term in the energy equation. Three cases with different vegetation porosity and one case without vegetation are examined. Numerical results for the current velocity, the water temperature and the flow rate are presented and compared for cases with different vegetation porosity. It is observed that the flow is out of phase with the thermal forcing and the lag time increases with decreasing vegetation porosity.


Year: 2016

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