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Numerical Modeling of Compound Channel Flows

Author(s): E. Awad

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Keywords: Numerical models; Compound channels; Secondary currents; Shear stress

Abstract: The compound channel flows are a common configuration of rivers and estuaries. In this study, a depth-integrated numerical model has been implemented to simulate the UK Flood Channel Facility (FCF) in case of depth ratio=0. 11. The depth-integrated streamwise velocity profile, the secondary currents, the transverse shear stresses, and the horizontal eddy viscosity are analyzed. It has been found that the modeled streamwise velocity profile is underestimated in the main channel and the floodplain, and overestimated in the mixing region between the main channel and the floodplain. The output of the numerical model also revealed that the secondary currents’peak is located in the mixing region in the vicinity of the floodplain border. The peak values of the transverse shear stresses occur in the mixing region. The values of the lateral shear stresses are in a reasonable qualitative agreement with the experimental data, yet there is a deviation between the position of the modeled and the measured peaks.


Year: 2014

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