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Disinfection Contact Tanks: Contemporary Design and Modelling Considerations

Author(s): Athanasios Angeloudis; William B Rauen; Roger A Falconer

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The paper describes advances and challenges of contemporary research on Chlorine Contact Tanks (CCTs), based on a critical review of the international literature and including the authors’own modelling experience on the topic. The paper is aimed at informing future modelling studies focused on design optimisation of CCTs and identifying aspects requiring further development. It highlights the multi-disciplinary nature of performance analyses of CCTs, which can be achieved through detailed physical and/or numerical modelling studies, in association with appropriate hydro-kinetic models that reflect current knowledge and understanding of the chemistry of drinking water disinfection by chlorination and the formation of potentially carcinogenic disinfection by-products (DBPs). The latter topic has been the focus of recent studies directly, but advancements in this field have yet to be incorporated into the modelling practice of CCTs.


Year: 2012

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