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Modelling Displacement Waves Produced by Ship on Adjacent Shoals and Lateral Inlets of Navigation Canals

Author(s): Mariateresa Franzoia; Giampaolo Di Silvio

Linked Author(s): Giampaolo Di Silvio

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Navigation canals in estuaries are typically surrounded by ample natural shoals of much smaller depth and/or by semienclosed zones of reduced area. Even if the ship exhibits a relatively weak wake, the very same displacement of her submersed volume may have remarkable effects in the contiguous regions of the canal if water depth is limited. In a previous work (Di Silvio et al., 2011) the nonstationary currents created by the passing ship was calculated by the superposition of a stationary flow field and a strictly uniform motion (proportional to the ship velocity), transforming an absolute unsteady flow into a relative steady flow. In this work the uniform motion hypothesis is relaxed to consider a more complex and more general domain morphology, concentrating the attention on the effects of the waves on the lateral inlets. The final resultant flow field is calculated via a simple twodimensional model, for which different numerical methods of resolution are investigated. The consequent effects on the surrounding areas result to be dependent on the ship’s speed and the geometrical characteristics of the system canal/ship.


Year: 2012

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