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Ceframe-Flood Risk Assessment and Management on Border-Crossing Rivers in Central Europe

Author(s): Haider Stefan; Winkler Bernd; Zenz Gerald

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: The project “Central European Flood Risk Assessment and Management in Centrope” (CEframe) assesses flood risk and its management on reaches of border-crossing rivers in central Europe. Pilot areas are the rivers Danube, March, Thaya, and Leitha. For the first time, the relevant institutions from the four countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, and Hungary are working together on managing floods in this area. The aim of the projectisthedevelopmentofstrategiesand recommendationsforreliableandsustainable transboundary flood management on these rivers in compliance with the EU Flood Directive (2007). Further the long-term implementation of these results on the national and transnational level is an ambitious goal. Flood hazard maps and flood risk maps have been compiled, harmonized, and if necessary elaborated by a joint method for analysis of the current situation. National rules and methods in the implementation of the EU Flood Directive partially differ from country to country. The challenge is to elaborate a suitable common database for comparison of the national data as simple as possible. One important goal of the project is to prepare Charter of Flood Protection for the project area. This action plan constitutes the strategies as well as structural and nonstructural measures in general. The implementation of the results into the daily administrative work will be obtained by integration of the relevant administrative institutions (first of all the Bilateral Water Commissions) and other relevant stakeholders into the process.


Year: 2012

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