Author(s): Guanghai Gao; Roger A. Falconer; Binliang Lin
Linked Author(s): Roger Falconer, Guanghai Gao, Binliang Lin
Keywords: Faecal bacteria; Faecal coliform; Water quality model; Sediment transport; Decay rate; Numerical model
Abstract: The decay rate of faecal bacteria is influenced by many environmental factors, such as, sunlight intensity, temperature, salinity, sediment concentrations etc, however, it was normally treated as a first order constant process in hydro-environmental model studies The paper detailed a numerical model developed for faecal bacteria fate and transport in receiving waters in a coastal basin in the UK. Faecal coliform, used as the indicators, were numerically modelled using a hydro-environmental model. Dynamic decay rate, which includes effect of salinity, temperature and light intensity were used in current study, compare to most other studies constant decay rate were normally used. In particular, the numerical model used in this study includes the effects of sediment on bacteria transport processes in surface water. This model was first validated by comparison with the field measurements of faecal bacteria concentrations. The model simulations agreed well with the observation data.
Year: 2013