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Improvement of an Intake Structure -Scale Model Investigation and Numerical Calculations of a Tyrolean Weir

Author(s): Christoph Matzke; Bernhard Gems; Roman Gabl; Tobias Frischhut; Markus Aufleger

Linked Author(s): Markus Aufleger, Roman Gabl, Bernhard Gems

Keywords: Hydraulics; Bottom rack intake; Tyrolean Weir; Model test; 3D numerical calculations

Abstract: The Unit of Hydraulic Engineering at the University of Innsbruck was commissioned by a local energy provider for a physical model investigation of the enhancement of an existing power plant in the Austrian Alps. The existing intake capacity was not sufficient enough to provide the discharges for the planned additional turbines. The intake structure was designed as a “Tyrolean Weir” which is a common bottom intake solution for alpine rivers in higher altitude. The unique characteristics of this weir are two parallel entry possibilities that divert the water into the desilter chambers. In the current operating state one of the two entry possibilities is covered with a steel plate. In the future the plant should be reconstructed so that both intake fields can be used. The aim of the physical model tests (scale 1: 10) was to find a cost-effective and feasible modification that improves the intake structure´s capacity. In addition, a 3D numerical simulation was executed for the validation of the results. This paper presents the results of the physical model measurements and the 3D numerical calculations. It shows where the numerical calculations correspond with the results of the scale model and points out which parts could not be calculated well enough. This paper also illustrates how the process of a physical model test can be simplified by support of numerical calculations. The impact of boundaries or other structural components can be validated effectively in advance by using numerical calculations. This increases the efficiency of the physical model investigation.


Year: 2013

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